
Kelvin Cross has published over 60 articles, spoken at conferences, and guest lectured at Motorola University, Boston College, University of Massachusetts, Babson College, and Northeastern University.

Kelvin has also written four books

Selected Articles

#24 - Small Teams - Big Results (download article)

Author: Kelvin Cross

Small teams in large corporations can ‘out small’ today’s successful smaller players, and win big. Smaller competitors to today’s largest corporations are consistently winning in customer satisfaction ratings without the so called economies of scale associated with large (frequently out-sourced) customer care centers.

For the largest companies in some key sectors, such as telecommunica- tions, technology, and financial services, there is the potential to eliminate 25-50% of their customer care costs. They can win big by reconnecting those who sell and deliver a customer experience, with those who attempt to salvage a poor customer experience and put them on the same team.

Today’s disconnected functions & processes can now be reconnected. Enabled by today’s technologies, the workforce can be reorganized in the form of small cross- functional business teams. Each team would holistically serve a very small segment of customers (like a franchise, and in many respects harkening back to the best aspects of yesterday’s mom & pop businesses). Such a business team is then positioned to focus on, innovate toward, and deliver results that matter (1) efficiently serving & supporting more customers with fewer employees, and (2) effectively driving up more revenue.

#11 - Eliminate Those Pesky Customer Contacts (download article)

Author: Kelvin Cross

I agree with the new book, “Lean Solutions,” where Womack and Jones say call centers and help desks are part of the ‘failure industry.’ With real world examples this paper describes the two things that need to be done: (1) ‘upstream’ fixes of the root causes of calls and contacts, and (2) a new approach to measures and compensation for all forms of customer contact centers.

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